Therapeutic measures in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis

Arthrosis is a deformity of the knee joint, which is accompanied by an inflammatory process with characteristic signs of redness and swelling of the lesion. Treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint is a long and complex procedure.

arthritis knee pain

This disease is most often diagnosed in the elderly and professional athletes. The effectiveness of a speedy recovery depends on a properly established rehabilitation plan and compliance with all the prescriptions of the treating physician. Therefore, it is necessary to consider in more detail the degree of arthrosis and all the methods of treating the pathology.

Degrees of osteoarthritis of the knee joint.

The course of arthrosis of the knee joint is divided into four specific stages, which characterize the severity of the disease.

  • First grade.The onset of the disease is marked by constant pain in the legs of a pulling nature. At the same time, the mobility of the joints is limited, and with a sharp movement, a corresponding crunch occurs. Increased physical activity increases joint deformity. If you do not load the leg, the pain practically does not manifest itself. The radiograph shows the narrowing of the joint space, the destruction of the joint is not observed.
  • Second grade.Arthrosis at this stage of the development of the disease is characterized by the appearance of severe pain in the joint, which limits movement, and the person can no longer walk long distances on his own. The erasure of the joint begins, a crunch is noted in the knee, and a limping gait appears. The gap in the joint is reduced to a minimum, the formation of so-called osteophyte spikes occurs, and inflammation can begin.
  • Third degree.The most serious complication of osteoarthritis. The person can no longer move independently and the pain in the knee does not stop even at rest. There are pronounced signs of arthrosis: complete deformity of the knee, absence of the joint space on the radiograph, limitation of joint mobility.
  • fourth gradecharacterized by complete destruction of the knee joint. In this case, a surgical operation in the form of a joint prosthesis is recommended. Only a qualified specialist can determine the exact degree of arthrosis of the knee joint after a series of specially conducted studies. If you experience similar symptoms, you should immediately go to the hospital to see a rheumatologist.

Basic methods of treatment

The treatment of knee osteoarthritis includes the use of a wide variety of techniques, from medical therapy to alternative medicine. The process of rehabilitation and recovery of the knee can be time-consuming and requires the use of various methods, and also compliance with all the manipulations prescribed by the doctor.

The course of treatment is determined by the attending physician, who determines the recovery plan depending on the degree of arthrosis, the age of the person. At the same time, every effort is made to avoid surgery and keep the knee intact.

Eliminate excess stress on the joint.

gymnastics for knee osteoarthritis

One of the reasons for the increased load on the knee joints is the presence of excess weight, which puts pressure on the legs and can gradually lead to the formation of deforming arthrosis. If this diagnosis occurs with excessive body weight, corrective measures should be taken to reduce the load on the joint. To do this, you need to follow a diet, play sports (use only permitted exercises, exercise regularly).

They also use a number of special bandages and facilities to repair the knee joint and properly distribute the load on it. Such devices are orthopedic and are specifically designed to correct and restore the knee joint. The time for the use of devices and bandages is appointed or extended by the attending orthopedic doctor, who makes decisions after analyzing the full clinical picture and studying X-ray images.

The use of pharmacotherapy.

In the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint with drugs, three groups of drugs are used: anti-inflammatory drugs, non-steroidal analgesics, hormonal drugs, chondoprotective drugs. Positive results and progress in treatment are given by the correct combination of components in the therapeutic complex.

  1. Use of non-steroidal analgesics.These drugs are prescribed as pain relievers that stop the inflammatory process. Medicines are taken orally inside or used for external use (ointments, gels, patches). The effect of the exposure occurs on average 4-5 days after the start of the medication. The general course of treatment is no more than 2 weeks, since further use provokes the development of side effects in the form of indigestion, nausea and ulcerative manifestations.
  2. Hormonal drugs.When the course of the disease is complicated, doctors prescribe the use of hormonal drugs that quickly eliminate pain and speed up the recovery process. The duration of treatment with these drugs is short-term, since they have a large number of contraindications for their continued use.
  3. Condoprotective action preparations.They contain natural sources of structural elements of connective tissue in cartilage and perform the function of restoring the knee joint. The use of medications also helps relieve painful symptoms. Medicines are presented in the form of tablets, ointments, gel. The main method of using chondoprotectors is the introduction of the drug into the joint fluid.

The total duration of treatment is about 4 months. As practice shows, the results give positive changes, which are clearly visible on radiographic images. Hyaluronic acid is termed as a fluid protector in the joint. It has a practically identical composition, which actively nourishes and restores the primary structure of the knee joint.


Surgery on the knee joint is carried out only in extreme cases, when other methods of treatment do not give positive results. Depending on the severity of the disease, the following methods of surgical intervention are distinguished:

knee osteoarthritis endoprosthesis
  1. Performing arthroscopy. The most delicate form of surgical intervention. This manipulation is carried out in the primary stages of the pathology, and the work of the knee joint is partially restored. The procedure is carried out using a special endoscope, punctures are first made, and then the damaged areas of the joint are removed with the apparatus. The operation is effective for younger people and quickly eliminates pain;
  2. The use of an osteotomy is indicated for more severe joint deformities. The essence of the procedure lies in a special fracture of the bone and its subsequent correct fusion. In this case, the joint is restored, the pain disappears. And also additionally use the necessary parts of artificial tissues;
  3. Endoprosthesis implantation. It is one of the most difficult types of surgery. In this case, a complete knee joint replacement is carried out with a special implant, which performs all the functions of restoring a person's further flexion and movement. Most patients note quite positive consequences, in which the level of physical activity increases markedly.

Physiotherapy treatment

Physiotherapy is an effective method of treatment at the initial stage of the development of arthrosis. She actively reduces
pain, relieves muscle tension and partially restores the primary structure of the joint. There are the following types of physiological procedures:

laser treatment for knee arthritis
  • Realization of analgesic magnetotherapy. This procedure performs the general functions of restoring and relieving pain in the body. The use of this method is effective in the first, second stage of the disease. The total duration of treatment is from 9 to 15 procedures, lasting 30 minutes.
  • The use of laser therapy as an anti-inflammatory action. When using this technique, the following types are used: infrared radiation treatment, low-frequency UHF, centimeter wave therapy. Such methods favorably affect the restoration of the joint. Saturate connective tissue cells with nutrition, improve blood circulation. It should be noted that the use of UHF is combined with intra-articular administration of drugs, and centimeter wave therapy is effective in the initial stages of arthrosis. The average duration of the procedures is 10-20 times, and the duration is 7-15 minutes.
  • Physiological procedures of intensive influence. A wide variety of procedures are used to treat osteoarthritis of the knee joint. Several basic techniques must be considered in detail.
  • ultrasonic waves. The best known treatment for this disease. Significantly improves the processes of blood circulation, nutrition in the joint, restores cartilage tissue. It is recommended to use within 14 days. The use of electrophoresis. The use of electric currents in conjunction with the introduction of drugs. The advantage of this method is a significant restoration of the knee joint, while the absence of a strong drug load on the body. The number of procedures for one course is 10-12 times. The combination of various currents acting on the joint is the phenomenon of interference therapy. A distinctive feature of the method is the stimulation of atrophied muscles and the restoration of blood circulation processes in the lymphatic system. With the development of the acute stage, it is prescribed twice a day for two weeks. The use of alternating current of an impulsive nature also has an effective effect on the affected joint. This procedure is called darsonvalization and actively reduces pain while performing restorative functions on the knee. The full course of rehabilitation is 10-15 procedures lasting about half an hour for 15 days. Take special therapeutic baths. They are an integral part of the procedures for therapeutic measures of arthrosis. Combinations of water with sage, hydrogen sulfide, radon, bischofite, therapeutic mud are very effective. These procedures have a great analgesic effect and can be applied locally or generally. The duration of the session is 10-30 minutes. The average course of treatment is 10-20 days.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint.

The process of complex treatment of pathology can stop the progression of the disease, but it is impossible to completely get rid of the disease! Therefore, it is very important to use all the techniques aimed at maintaining a stable state and prolonging the established effect. One of the most effective ways are traditional medicine recipes in the form of compresses, bandages, ointments, tinctures that have a beneficial effect on the injury. The most effective means:

dandelion tea for knee arthritis
  • Preparation of dandelion flowers.Used fresh, brewed in boiling water and alcohol-based tincture. It is recommended to eat 7-8 dandelions a day. The tincture is taken three times a day, 100 ml before eating. An alcohol-based solution is applied to the affected joint daily for a month;
  • Horseradish compress.This vegetable effectively reduces pain symptoms and partially restores the normal functionality of the joint. The process of making a bandage is simple: rubbed horseradish is applied to gauze and applied to a sore spot overnight. The procedure must be repeated daily for about 30 days;
  • Aloe use.The plant has natural anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties and is actively used in the treatment of arthrosis. You can make flower-based compresses and also use crushed leaves or apply them to the affected area. The duration of treatment with this remedy should last at least one month;
  • Cinquefoil-based dye.The preparation recipe is to use the herb together with alcohol and obtain a suitable solution for the prevention and treatment of arthrosis. The drug is taken 3-4 drops per day or used as compresses. Treatment is continued for one month;
  • A mixture of mustard, sand and salt.All components of the composition must be thoroughly mixed, and then put on a baking sheet and warm well. The hot mixture should be applied to the affected area and not removed until the compress cools down. This method is effective in relieving pain and improving blood circulation in the joint. The procedure is not recommended during the acute course of the disease.

In the treatment of the disease, calendula, burdock and juniper are also used, as they have a beneficial effect on the restoration of the knee joint.

Non-traditional remedies for the treatment of osteoarthritis.

In the treatment of arthrosis, non-traditional medicine is used. The most popular methods in this industry:

leech for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee
  1. Leech therapy is called hirudotherapy. This method is very efficient. Since the insects stick to the biological impact points in the joint. At the same time, they secrete special enzymes that have healing properties, improve metabolic processes and increase blood circulation in the joint. The time and duration of treatment are prescribed by a special doctor;
  2. The use of acupuncture by inserting needles into the active points of the joint. It also presents a series of effective procedures in the treatment of osteoarthritis. They use direct acupuncture, point massage and special moxibustion sticks. Manipulation is carried out only by a qualified specialist who prescribes the required number of sessions;
  3. Treatment with hydrogen peroxide. The chemical compound is involved in all vital processes in the body, which is why it is also used for arthrosis. The drug is diluted with water in the ratio of 1 cup to 3 drops of 3% H2O2 and drunk 2 hours after eating. You can also use peroxide-based compresses;
  4. Take jelly. This component is a natural source of collagen, which is necessary for the strength of bones and joints. The use of gelatin also has a therapeutic effect on the course of arthrosis. The dose per day is 10 grams. And the duration of treatment by this method should be at least 90 days. It is also good to use foods and dishes rich in gelatin (chicken, pork offal, cartilage, gelatin);
  5. The use of stem cells. Innovative method of treating osteoarthritis. Its uniqueness lies in stem cells, which have the ability to regenerate and regenerate into new cell systems. They are obtained from human bone marrow and grown in the laboratory for 2 months. The cells are then injected into the affected joint. This therapy partially replaces cartilage tissue and improves knee mobility.

Combination of massage and manual therapy.

knee massage for arthritis

Massage is a prerequisite for the treatment of this pathology. It is carried out by a qualified massage therapist or a trained patient. It is recommended that before starting the procedure, you warm up the muscles with exercise therapy exercises, and then perform manipulations. A good effect is added by using water procedures in conjunction with massage. Initially, the first few sessions should last no more than 10 minutes, then gradually increase to 20 minutes.

After the massage, the patient should feel a slight relaxation and absence of pain. If they are present, you should consult a doctor about continuing the procedure. Manipulation helps well in the early stages of arthrosis.

Manual therapy is used in individual cases and is carried out by a special doctor. For its realization, the patient must have certain indications. The essence of the method lies in the smooth reduction of the joint and its extension. The muscles in this case are activated and the process of restoring joint mobility begins. The manipulation should be done 3-4 times throughout the year.

Treatment, prevention of arthrosis with exercise therapy.

knee arthritis exercises

Performing special exercises called physiotherapy is an effective method of treating osteoarthritis. To get the desired effect, you must follow the rules of complex gymnastic exercises:

  1. Exercises are performed only on the recommendation of the attending physician;
  2. The exercise regimen should be multiple times throughout the day;
  3. Exclusion of strong physical exertion;
  4. During training, you need to take special breaks to relax the joint;
  5. The combination of massage, therapeutic medications and exercise therapy;
  6. Exercises are performed with a calm course of the disease;
  7. The relationship between simple muscle tension and motor activity should be noted. It is this technique that will strengthen the joint;

It is worth remembering that a set of special exercises of exercise therapy is prescribed on a purely individual basis and is selected by a specialist doctor in this field.

Methodology of the Doctorate in Medical Sciences

exercise therapy for knee osteoarthritis

This method of treatment was developed by a famous scientist, doctor of medical sciences. The essence of therapy is based on the healing of the patient with the help of physiological procedures without the use of drugs.

After a complete examination, an individual treatment regimen is prescribed. In this case, there is no additional load on the joint, but special simulators are used. As pain relievers, the doctor suggests the use of ice and other cooling ingredients.

In parallel with carrying out this therapy, swimming, bathing procedures, special massages, a steam bath with subsequent cooling are also recommended.

In medical practice, many positive cases have been demonstrated in the treatment of osteoarthritis, when joint mobility was restored and the patient could lead a normal life.

Methodology of a rheumatologist.

The famous doctor has developed his own method of treating arthrosis. It is based on a combination of medical and mechanical treatment of the affected joint.

This method is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • The use of non-steroidal drugs;
  • The use of chondoprotective drugs;
  • External use of creams, ointments of anesthetic type;
  • Apply compresses;
  • Introduction of injections into the joint;
  • Carrying out manual therapy;
  • physiological procedures;
  • therapeutic physical culture;
  • Use special bandages, bandages, canes;
  • dieting

The effectiveness of the technique is confirmed by statistical data. With the first degree of arthrosis, more than 95% of patients were cured by this method. The second stage of the disease was rehabilitated in 80% of patients.

Treatment of arthrosis using modern methods of therapy.

Ozone and oxygen therapy for knee arthritis.

Modern methods of treating arthrosis are actively combined with medication and other methods of treatment. The following types are used:

  1. The phenomenon of kinesitherapy, in which a specially designed set of exercises is prescribed, the goal of which is to obtain the most positive effect;
  2. The introduction of ozone into the joint is called ozone therapy. It is a kind of physiological procedures that have appeared relatively recently and have gained popularity due to their high efficiency;
  3. The use of homeopathic remedies of various kinds.
  4. Application and use of biologically active substances.

These medications should only be taken as directed by your doctor.

These methods of treatment are used quite often in the treatment of arthrosis and, for the most part, give positive results. The combination of methods is selected by a qualified rheumatologist.

Treatment of arthrosis in sanatorium-resort conditions.

sanatorium treatment of knee osteoarthritis in the pool

An indication for the treatment of arthrosis in a special sanatorium complex is the development of degenerative dystrophic arthrosis.

In the sanatorium, the patient is prescribed the following procedures:

  1. Wraps and mud baths;
  2. physiological therapy;
  3. exercise therapy;
  4. Massage and manual therapy;
  5. Modern methods of treatment of arthrosis.

Treatment of a type of sanatorium-resort is prohibited with such contraindications:

  • Severe joint deformity;
  • Inflammatory process in the knee;
  • deterioration of the general condition;
  • The last stage of the disease in the acute phase.

The correct implementation of all the procedures prescribed in the sanatorium and the further improvement of the general condition, the restoration of the joint, the resumption of its mobility for 6 months is a confirmation of favorable treatment in these conditions. At the same time, the general analyzes show a positive trend.

The average cost of treating arthrosis and feedback on the effectiveness of therapy.

active lifestyle for the prevention of knee osteoarthritis

The cost of complex treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint depends on the degree of the disease, the general condition of the joint, the stage of its deformation, the age of the patient and the body's ability to recover.

It should be noted that the use of drugs with condoprotective action is a costly procedure, since the terms of their administration are quite long. In the treatment of pathology, a wide range of measures is prescribed, which also have a fairly large pricing policy.

The later stages of osteoarthritis are characterized by a complete deformity of the joint, which requires prosthetics. The prices of this operation are quite high. Therefore, the average cost of treatment is quite high, and it is better not to start the disease, but to treat it in the early stages of its appearance!

Reviews of patients with arthrosis and who have undergone complex treatment are pronounced. Most people say that arthrosis is best treated in the early stages of the disease, with full compliance with all prescribed manipulations. At the same time, continuous preventive measures must be taken to avoid the development of the disease.

The third or fourth degree of the disease is practically not treated, and doctors recommend surgery. Depending on the degree of knee deformity, various surgical operations are performed from reconstruction to complete replacement of the joint. Postoperative periods and subsequent remission time also recommend prophylaxis and new surgical interventions.

Finally, it is worth emphasizing the important point of the article and saying that osteoarthritis of the knee joint is a very serious serious disease that requires a lot of effort and time for partial recovery. Therefore, if you are disposed to this disease, you must strictly observe all preventive methods to prevent the progression of this pathology!